print "$pwd\n" if @ARGV==0;
foreach (@ARGV) {print "$pwd/$_\n";}
You can copy this from me, just put it in your bin directory, like this:
cp /home/turnersd/bin/path ~/bin
Make it executable, like this:
chmod +x ~/bin/path
Here it is in action. Let's say I wanted to print out the full path to all the .txt files in the current directory. Call the program with arguments as the files you want to print the path to:
[turnersd@vmps21 replicated]$ ls
[turnersd@vmps21 replicated]$ path *.txt
Sure, it's only a little bit quicker than typing pwd, copying that, then spelling out the filenames. But if you have long filenames or lots of filenames you want to copy, this should get things done faster. Enjoy.