
Use SQL queries to manipulate data frames in R with sqldf package

I've covered a few topics in the past including the plyr package, which is kind of like "GROUP BY" for R, and the merge function for merging datasets. I only recently found the sqldf package for R, and it's already one of the most useful packages I've ever installed. The main function in the package is sqldf(), which takes a quoted string as an argument. You can treat data frames as tables as if they were in a relational database. You can use some of the finer aspects of SQL like the INNER JOIN or the subquery, which are extremely difficult operations to mimic using standard R programming. While this isn't an SQL tutorial, try out some of these commands to see what sqldf can do for you. Read more about the sqldf package here.

> # install the package
> install.packages("sqldf")
> #load it
> library(sqldf)
> # set the random seed
> set.seed(42)
> #generate some data
> df1 = data.frame(id=1:10,class=rep(c("case","ctrl"),5))
> df2 = data.frame(id=1:10,cov=round(runif(10)*10,1))
> #look at the data
> df1
   id class
1   1  case
2   2  ctrl
3   3  case
4   4  ctrl
5   5  case
6   6  ctrl
7   7  case
8   8  ctrl
9   9  case
10 10  ctrl
> df2
   id cov
1   1 9.1
2   2 9.4
3   3 2.9
4   4 8.3
5   5 6.4
6   6 5.2
7   7 7.4
8   8 1.3
9   9 6.6
10 10 7.1
> # do an inner join
> sqldf("select * from df1 join df2 on")
   id class id cov
1   1  case  1 9.1
2   2  ctrl  2 9.4
3   3  case  3 2.9
4   4  ctrl  4 8.3
5   5  case  5 6.4
6   6  ctrl  6 5.2
7   7  case  7 7.4
8   8  ctrl  8 1.3
9   9  case  9 6.6
10 10  ctrl 10 7.1
> # where clauses
> sqldf("select * from df1 join df2 on where class='case'")
  id class id cov
1  1  case  1 9.1
2  3  case  3 2.9
3  5  case  5 6.4
4  7  case  7 7.4
5  9  case  9 6.6
> # lots of sql fun
> sqldf("select, df2.cov as covariate from df1 join df2 on where class='case' and cov>3 order by cov")
  id covariate
1  5       6.4
2  9       6.6
3  7       7.4
4  1       9.1