
Webcast this Morning: House Committee on Energy and Commerce hearing on DTC Genetic Testing

A live webcast of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce hearing on “Direct-to-Consumer Genetic Testing and the Consequences to the Public Health" is available at this link. I had trouble viewing the webcast in firefox - had to save the link and open it with VLC media player to get it working. You can also follow the #HouseDTC hastag on Twitter.

In case you missed the FDA public meeting on oversight of Laboratory Developed Tests (LDTs), Dan Vorhaus over at Genomics Law Report posted recaps of day 1 and day 2 of the meeting.

Update July 22 1:48pm CDT: this webcast is over. You can read a written testimony from all the witnesses along with statements from committee members here. You can also follow ongoing discussion on Twitter, and of course check Genomics Law Report in the next day or two for further analysis by Dan Vorhaus.

Update July 23: The testimony from Gregory Kutz at the Government Accountability Office (referred to as the "GAO Report," available online here) in addition to the discussion at yesterday's House hearing on DTC testing caused quite a stir. 23andMe quickly responded with a thorough point-by-point rebuttal of major points made in the GAO report. Dan Vorhaus at Genomics Law Report posted a very thorough and thoughtful summary on yesterday's events and discussion. Daniel MacArthur has also posted a summary and response on Genomes Unzipped, and the comment string on this post is definitely worth reading through.