allClass<-function(x) {unlist(lapply(unclass(x),class))}.
Here it is in action:
> # load the CO2 dataset
> data(CO2)
> # look at the first few rows
> head(CO2)
Plant Type Treatment conc uptake
1 Qn1 Quebec nonchilled 95 16.0
2 Qn1 Quebec nonchilled 175 30.4
3 Qn1 Quebec nonchilled 250 34.8
4 Qn1 Quebec nonchilled 350 37.2
5 Qn1 Quebec nonchilled 500 35.3
6 Qn1 Quebec nonchilled 675 39.2
> # this doesn't work
> apply(CO2,2,class)
Plant Type Treatment conc uptake
"character" "character" "character" "character" "character"
> # this does
> allClass <- function(x) {unlist(lapply(unclass(x),class))}
> allClass(CO2)
Plant1 Plant2 Type Treatment conc uptake
"ordered" "factor" "factor" "factor" "numeric" "numeric"
Nice tip, Aviad.