
I'm Starting a New Position at the University of Virginia

I just accepted an offer for a faculty position at the University of Virginia in the Center for Public Health Genomics / Department of Public Health Sciences. Starting in October I will be developing and directing a new centralized bioinformatics core in the UVA School of Medicine. Over the next few weeks I'm taking a much-needed vacation next door in Kauai and then packing up for the move to Charlottesville. Posts here may be sparse over the next few weeks, but once I start my new gig I'll be sure to make up for it. And if you're bioinformatics-savvy and in the job market keep an eye out here - once I figure out what I need I will soon be hiring, and will repost any job announcements here.

I've enjoyed my postdoc here at the University of Hawaii Cancer Center, and there is much I'll miss about island life out here in the Pacific. But I'm very seriously looking forward to getting started in this wonderful opportunity at UVA. Thank you all for your comments, suggestions, and help when I needed it. I'll be back online in a few weeks - until then, follow me on Twitter (@genetics_blog).
