
Joint Techs Netcast: Enhancing Infrastructure Support for Data Intensive Science

The winter Joint Techs meeting is next week in Baton Rouge. I'm not going, but I plan on participating via a netcast to see what's going on. Jim Bottum, Clemson's CIO, is moderating an entire day devoted to the topic Enhancing Infrastructure Support for Data Intensive Science. Of particular interest to me are the talks from 9:30-11am Tuesday January 24 from researchers and those supporting climatology, genomics, and the XSEDE projects. The afternoon of January 24 has some talks from academic and government labs who've successfully deployed methods to enhance their infrastructure support for data intensive science. Check out the full agenda for the day here. These sessions sound particularly relevant for those researching and supporting large-scale genomics and bioinformatics projects.

Joint Techs Meeting Netcast